Please consult the following guidelines for the logo usage and appropriate term of reference to Open Education Global and its activities:
Key Requirements
In a primary reference, please use “Open Education Global,” with a capitalization of the letters O, E, and G. In secondary references, shortening of the name to the acronym “OEGlobal” or the initials OEG is appropriate.
Where possible, please direct your readers to the OE Global website ( for more information about OEGlobal, its members and the open education movement.
Brandmark Usage
The OEGlobal logo reflects identity values. In order to maintain its integrity, the configuration of the name and shapes must not deviate from that shown here.
There are two versions of the logo, and each must be used as a single graphic unit. When reproducing the logo, please respect the following guidelines:
White Space
It is recommended to always leave white space around the logo. The recommended space is 20% of the height on its vertical axis, and 10% of the width on its horizontal axis.

For your convenience, the PNG and JPG formats already have this white space added.
Other Use Recommendations
When using the OEGlobal logo, no other marks or symbols may be used or created in conjunction with or to replace the official OEGlobal identity. The logo and OEGlobal references may only be placed on open licensed material.
Be aware of these possible error mistakes:

By scaling or transforming.

By rotation.

By modification of typography or official color.
Use the following logos when the presence of the OEGLOBAL brand is required. Make sure to use the required logo for the specific media.
Main Version
Member Badge
The member badge is a distinctive seal that member institutions can place on their websites and in communications. It is intended for screen media.
Embed badge
Use this HTML code to insert the image on your website:
<a href="" title="OEGLOBAL Website"><img src="" width="100" height="131" alt="OE GLOBAL Member Badge"></a>
To inquire about more communication related matters, contact