The Open Education Global 2020 Conference Planning Committee has been monitoring developments around COVID-19 globally closely and has considered its volatile and unpredictable developments and negative impact around the world.
After extensive consultations with the main Conference host, Taipei Medical University, as well as the Open Education Global Board of Directors, the decision was made to transition the OE Global 2020 Conference into a hybrid event which will include virtual and potentially some face-to-face events. We believe that this is the right decision for our community, as we all work to manage our way through this period of disruption and concern.
What does this mean?
- OE Global 2020 Conference will take place virtually through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous activities. The 2020 conference theme, Connecting the Global Open Education Community, signifies even more to our community during this unprecedented time. Social connection avenues will be a strategic part of the conference to provide additional opportunities for participants to engage about the content of presentations and in networking/collaboration opportunities.
- Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan will continue to be the host for #OEGLOBAL20.
- Some regional face-to-face events may take place, situation permitting.
- The new conference dates are 16-20 November.
- Formal conference sessions will take place on 16th, 18th and 20th November
- Social engagement sessions will be organized on 17th and 19th November
- The Call for Proposals (CFP) will be re-launched 25th May. It will reflect the online format of the conference. The CFP timeline will also be adjusted.
- The process of recruiting conference co-hosts has been initiated. Conference co-hosts will help manage and facilitate the conference in different parts of the world, taking time zone differences into account.
- The conference website will continuously be updated to reflect this new scenario. Sign up for email alerts for conference updates.
Please note that organizing a fully online global conference for the first time requires additional and substantial planning. While there are still a lot of unknowns, we are hard at work to ensure that your participation in the OE Global 2020 Conference is a meaningful, engaging and rewarding experience.
We greatly appreciate your support and patience during this time and look forward to your participation in November. For more questions or information, please email conference@oeglobal.org.
Best Wishes and Stay Safe,
The Open Education Global 2020 Conference Planning Committee
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